中科芯亿达MX620B直流马达驱动芯片 玩具驱动ic 3.5A峰值电流
特性 低待机电流 (小于 0.1uA) 低导通内阻 MOSFET 功率开关管 — 采用 MOS 工艺设计功率管 — 1800 毫..WS2811C三通道恒流LED驱动ic 32mA大电流灯条 跑马灯驱动芯片
主要特点● R、G、B输出端口耐压24V,DIN端口耐压9.5V。● 芯片内置稳压管,24V以下电源端只需串电阻到ICV..供应 AMS1117 1.2V 1.8V 2.5V 3.3V 5V 三端稳压ic SOT89 SOT223
一、概述 AMS1117是一個輸出電流達到1A的三端輸出低壓差線性穩壓器,有 1.2V、1.8V、2.5V、3.3V、5.0V ..QX5299X PIR人体感应太阳能LED灯控制器 人体感应LED灯芯片
销售电源管理IC:蓝牙IC、手电筒 IC、马达驱动IC、稳压LDO、升压IC、降压IC、LED驱动IC、草坪灯IC、电..慧能泰HUSB238 PD协议诱骗芯片 USB-C替代桶型连接器 原装供应
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HUSB238 is a highly integrated USB Power Delivery (PD) controller as si..全新原装YX8253C LED手电筒驱动IC 轻触三功能 SOT23-6封装
特性: **亮、25%亮、暴闪、灭循环模式 长按开关 3s 切换到 SOS 模式 工作电压:2.5V~5V 工作效率..LC2202CB5TR DC-DC降压开关稳压器 2A电源管理芯片 岭芯微
一、DESCRIPTION The LC2202 is a high-efficiency, DC-to-DC stepdown switching regulators, capable ..富满原装TC118S/TC118AH单通道直流马达驱动IC 电动牙刷驱动芯片
一、 特点单通道内置功率 MOS 全桥驱动驱动前进、后退、停止及刹车功能内置迟滞热效应过热保护功能..现货供应 泉芯QX2328 DC-DC升压转换器 6uA静态电流
一、概述 QX2328 是一款具有仅 6uA 静态电流的同步升压变换器。 QX2328 在 PFM 的基础上采用了自主的**..原装RC01ST5N1A 单节锂电池保护芯片 带NCT温度保护ic 可替R5441Z
一、概述 RC01ST5N1A 是锂离子/聚合物电池保护的高集成度解决方案。RC01ST5N1A 包含内部功率MOSFET,高精..一、Features
1.Micropower consumption
2.1.8V~5.5V power supply
3.Chopper stabilized amplifier stage
4.Open-drain output
5.Switching for both polar of a magnet(Omnipolar)
6.Very High Sensitivity Hall Sensor
7.Package: SOT23-3, 3Pin SIP
1.Solid State Switch
2.Home appliances, Industrial
3.Position Detection
4.Proximity Switch
5.Smart Meter
三、General Description
The TX212 is fabricated from mixed ** CMOS technology. It internally includes an on-chip Hall voltage generator, a voltage regulator for operation with supply voltages of 1.8 to 5.5V, a sleep/awake logic for low power consumption, temperature compensation circuitry, small-** amplifier, Hall sensor with dynamic offset
cancellation system, Schmitt trigger and an open-drain output.
Either north or south poles of sufficient strength will turn the sensor output on. The output will be turned off under no magnetic field. While the magnetic flux density (B) is larger than operating point (Bop), the output will be turned on (low), the output is held until B is lower than release point (Brp), and then turned off.
The total power consumption in normal operation is typically 10μW with a 2.7V power source. Operating temperature range of the TX212 is from -40°C to 85°C.